Tuesday, 31 July 2012

五月天《Taiwan+ 東北亞日韓音樂節》行前記者會

Press conference attended by the various Taiwanese bands who will be performing at the upcoming summer music festivals in Japan and South Korea.

【公佈】五月天「諾亞方舟航空母艦版」 相關時程





●8/20 公佈票價、票圖及『華航精緻旅遊來台自由行套裝方案』"限量"限區"銷售辦法

●8/23 中華航空公司正式開賣『華航精緻旅遊來台自由行套裝方案』"限量"限區"銷售

●9/08 全面開賣
AM 11:00 全國 7-ELEVEN ibon或 ibon票務資訊網http://ticket.7net.com.tw/
PM 16:00 全國 ibon票務資訊網http://ticket.7net.com.tw/ (匯豐銀行信用卡卡友專屬購票)


Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Summer Sonic Festival timetable

Timetable for Summer Sonic Festival was released earlier today -> click here for full timetable
Summer Sonic @ Osaka on 8/18
Summer Sonic @ Tokyo on 8/19 

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

2012 Hsinchu Hakka Yimin Festival - ticket redemption details

Mayday will be performing at the Hsinchu Hakka Yimin Festival on 1st September 2012. Details for ticket redemption is as follows:

▇換票條件:500ML 2號-5號的廢塑膠容器5個 可換一張,一人最多換兩張




Monday, 16 July 2012

20120715 貢寮海洋音樂祭 13th Hohaiyan Rock Festival

I've read quite a bit about the annual summer Hohaiyan Gongliao Rock Festival 國際海洋音樂祭 held in Fulong beach and had been looking forward to watch Mayday's performance at this much talked about music festival. 

I'm no stranger to Fulong, having visited here on several occasion, though nothing had braced me for the sea of people on festival day. I've never seen Fulong this crowded.

Fulong is a little over an hour train ride from Taipei and during the festival, additional trains were added to ferry the hundreds of thousands of festival & beach goers. Despite the additional trains, all platforms and trains were packed like sardines !

massive crowd in front of the train station
Many turned up early to the beach - despite the scorching summer heat, thankfully Fulong's temperature was slightly cooler than Taipei. 

view of the main stage area from the Fulong bridge
a closer view
there were hundreds of food and drink stalls/watering holes 
main stage area
sit back, relax and enjoy the free music !\
歌單 (五月天部分)::
1. 2012
2. 三個傻瓜
3. 離開地球表面
4. 擁抱
5. 倉頡
6. 乾杯
7. 倔強
8. 人生海海

9. 突然好想你
10. 尬車
11. 憨人

20120714 花蓮2012夏戀嘉年華 歌單

1. OAOA 現在就是永遠
2. 歪腰
3. 離開地球表面
4. 我不願讓妳一個人
5. 乾杯
6. 諾亞方舟
7. 突然好想妳
8. 戀愛ING
9. 終結孤單
10. 憨人
11. 心中無別人
12. 聽不到

*all photos taken from 洄瀾網首頁

Saturday, 14 July 2012

[Live] 19:00 花蓮夏戀嘉年華

Catch the Hualien Summer Festival live tonight on TV and Youtube

7/14(六)震撼狂想之夜 19:00-21:30

出席卡司︰九天/強辯/Magic Power/安心亞/卓義峰/五月天

(1) 中視數位綜藝台
(2) 花蓮洄瀾台20台
(3) 線上直撥網址: YOUTUBE

Monday, 9 July 2012


The 9th Taipei Toy Festival was held last week (5th - 8th July ) at Huashan Park.

Darren and Vincent Fang 
Darren's autograph
Stay Real
No2Good's signing session

signed by No2Good
kennyswork's booth
kennyswork's Molly 
in line for Kenny's autograph 
Kenny's autograph (drawing) session

He drew this in under 3 minutes ! and he draws a different art on each piece of board. Amazing !

this is the masterpiece Kenny drew for me :)

Thursday, 5 July 2012

No2Good signing session at Taipei Toy Festival 2012

Taipei Toy Festival 2012 starts today (entrance ticket priced at NTD120) at Huashan Park 

Purchases of over NTD1,000 during the Toy Festival at the StayReal booth will entitle you to a free keyring - limited to only 500 

Don't miss out on No2Good's signing session on Saturday (7th July) from 2:00 to 3:30pm !

● Taipei Toy Festival 2012台北國際玩具創作大展
時間:7/5(四)~7/8(日) 10:00~20:30
地點:華山1914文創園區 東二A‧B館入口處 A1-A3展出空間

● 玩具展獨家贈禮

● STAYREAL主理人&威尼斯雙年展藝術家–「不二良」唯一一場簽名會

時間:7/7 (六) 14:00~15:30
地點:華山1914文創園區 東二A‧B館入口處A1-A3展出空間

Catch Ashin and No2Good at【STAY.REAL.KIDS.我.是.細.路】

Fans in Hong Kong can catch Ashin and No2Good at the following event:

日期: 2012年7月12日
地點: 海港城海運大廈露天廣場
時間: 中午12時半

Wednesday, 4 July 2012


Pre-order tickets (250元) for the upcoming「無限創造DNA演唱會幕後公開展」(happening at Huashan Park from 4 August till 28 October 2012) through 7-11's ibon from today till 3 August 2012 and receive a free「DNA小熊ALL PASS掛鍊票夾」worth 199元

bought my tickets! have you got yours yet?