Saturday, 7 November 2009

Archie gets married

I've been reading Archie comics for as long as I can remember, though I eventually grew out of it as they got too expensive to buy. The comic has been around for ages. Wonder if it's still popular these days..

In issue #600 (they've come a looong way) Archie got down on his knees and proposed to Veronica. About time - the Archie-Veronica-Betty love triangle have been going on for 65 years now! Somehow I've always knew that Archie would pick Veronica over Betty. Aww poor Betty, just look at her expression on the cover of issue #601.

1 comment:

sunset2712 said...

I lurve the Archies too! but it's kinda pricey so i'll just buy some comics once in a while randomly.. =)