Thursday 5 July 2012

No2Good signing session at Taipei Toy Festival 2012

Taipei Toy Festival 2012 starts today (entrance ticket priced at NTD120) at Huashan Park 

Purchases of over NTD1,000 during the Toy Festival at the StayReal booth will entitle you to a free keyring - limited to only 500 

Don't miss out on No2Good's signing session on Saturday (7th July) from 2:00 to 3:30pm !

● Taipei Toy Festival 2012台北國際玩具創作大展
時間:7/5(四)~7/8(日) 10:00~20:30
地點:華山1914文創園區 東二A‧B館入口處 A1-A3展出空間

● 玩具展獨家贈禮

● STAYREAL主理人&威尼斯雙年展藝術家–「不二良」唯一一場簽名會

時間:7/7 (六) 14:00~15:30
地點:華山1914文創園區 東二A‧B館入口處A1-A3展出空間


Kat said...

Hi there! I have been checking out your blog for about 2 years! It is so amazing that you are able to attend almost all of MayDay world tour concerts!
Also, I have gotten my 1st job 2 years back and saved a sum of money. Thinking to myself that I must go for MayDay Taiwan concert 1 day. Which I think the concert on 21st Dec would be very apt!
Apart from looking through TW guidebooks, I would need a big help from you! That is getting tickets Σ(っ °Д °;)っ I am living in Singapore and would accomodate to whatever plan you have in mind.
Hope to get a reply from you! : ) thank you!

Unknown said...

hi Kat ~ thanks for reading my blog =]

please email me at we can discuss further