Thursday 6 August 2009

Scorching DNA

Rain or shine, Mayday never fails to deliver ;)
It was reported in the news today that Mayday's scorching performance at last weekend's Harbin D.N.A concert had melted the ice there. And now the lads are gearing up for extreme temperature change in the upcoming Hangzhou D.N.A stop.

To prepare themselves for the scorching heat, the stage team have prepared all the necessary props to keep Mayday cool during the concert, including large sized buckets of ice and electric fans.. and the funny thing is, the Hangzhou concert will be held at Huang Loong Stadium, which is an indoor venue with central air-conditioning!! (makes me wonder how hot exactly it is over there..)

The organiser also stated that Mayday have requested for 4 boxes of instant noodles (specifically braised beef flavour only) per person for their supper during rehearsals. That is a heck lot of instant noodles for 2 days of rehearsals!

Mayday are big on cup noodles

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