Tuesday, 16 March 2010

KL DNA update (of sort)

There really isn't much to update. But first up, a big shoutout to Mrs BJ :p who's friend's friend is working in Marctensia, the organiser of the KL DNA concert. I called the organiser dude today hoping to be able to at least get more details on the upcoming concert, only to be told that they haven't even finalised the seating plan! @.@

I asked why did they announce the concert in the media so early and he said that they didn't have a choice cos the announcement was due. Hmmm. Anyway he said he'd call me when tickets are out

The only thing I got from him was they are trying to finalise everything by early April. or maybe sooner I hope (before my trip)

1 comment:

Mrs BJ King said...

hahahah no prob...

i need to use my mrs bj king name here

later i kena serbu...