Thursday 26 August 2010

Ashin the Genius Contemporary Lyricist

The MV for 伯牙絕弦 is out today

The song marks the second time Ashin and Leehom collaborated on Leehom’s album. Ashin had previously written the lyrics for 在梅邊 in Leehom’s 2005 album 盖世英雄

Leehom wanted to pen the 伯牙絕弦 lyrics himself, but ended up sleep-less and lyric-less after 3 days so he went to Ashin for help. Once again he was so satisfied with the lyrics he called Ashin a genius contemporary lyricist.

It reminded me of the first time they collaborated on Fish Leong's 絲路. Leehom was so impressed with Ashin's lyrics that he texted him on the phone complimenting his awesome lyrics. Ashin admitted he had to look up a dictionary to find out the meaning of awesome. The funniest part was the dictionary gave him the wrong meaning LOL!


sunset2712 said...

Genius Ashin lyrics are complicated! hahaha I can't keep up with it up til today. hhhmmm.... It's good tho! ^^

thengfei said...

what meaning did the dictionary gave Ashin to the word 'Awesome'?

Unknown said...

i think it was 'terrifying [可怕]' LOL he needs a new dictionary