Jolin has noted that Mayday's campus concerts boosted their album [Poetry of the Day After 後青春期的詩] sales greatly hence the idea of her embarking on her own campus tour. Some fans aren't too happy that she has to resort to such gimmick to sell her upcoming album, though I'm sure her hot blooded male fans would be more than happy to welcome her to play at their campus :P Why, she could dress up in a schoolgirl's uniform!
coming soon to a campus near you?
And for the record, campus concerts isn't a cheap gimmick to boost album sales. It's just a different form of pre-order gift. While other artists are giving away calendar/photobook/rubik's cube *ahem* as pre-order gifts, Mayday are giving away free concerts. Night after night they play for hours at various campus to spread their love for music. Such is the generosity of the band that we love =]
lol~ yeah, I read the news too. It's crazy to call Mayday's tactics a "cheap gimmick". Those fans should use their brains and realize that it takes a helluva lot more effort to put on free concerts than it does to slap a photobook onto the CD. They should be praising the fact that Mayday is starting a trend that brings artists closer to their fans.
Tho all in all, I do not care much for Jolin.
Anyway~~ as a recent Mayday fan, I've really enjoyed your blog. Am so envious that you got to go to so many Mayday concerts. I really hope they come to Canada for their next tour. T_T
I can't agree more with you. Staging a concert not only takes a lot more effort, but also involves a much higher cost. Ashin mentioned that Bin Music had used their yearend bonus to stage the free Taipei concerts. Aww..
Oh hey I'm glad u enjoyed my blog =)
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