Friday 15 May 2009

Nominations for 20th GMA 2009

Nomination list for this year's Golden Melody Awards are out! I've reproduced the partial nomination list below (only for categories where Mayday have been nominated - highlighted in orange):

Best Song of the Year 最佳年度單曲:
- 甲你攬牢牢《甲你攬牢牢》
- 下一個天亮《郭靜 下一個天亮》
- 100種生活《100種生活》
- 你不是真正的快樂《後青春期的詩》
- 國境之南《海角七號電影原聲帶》
- 稻香《魔杰座》

Best Band 最佳年度樂團獎:
- 自然捲樂團(蔡坤奇(奇哥)、黃陽明、陸伊潔(Riecky)/破捲而出
- 社拾參樂團(林君平、徐德宇、徐德寰、廖偉棠)/馬臉水手的夏天
- 五月天(阿信、怪獸、瑪莎、冠佑、石頭)/後青春期的詩
- 董事長樂團(吳永吉、杜文祥、林大鈞、林俊民)/花光他的錢
- 好客愛吃飯(陳冠宇、小美、蕭詩偉、柯智豪、鍾成達、郭進財)/愛吃飯

Best Lyricist 最佳作詞人獎:
- 巫宇軒/電車內面《甲你攬牢牢》
- 阿信/我心中尚未崩壞的地方《後青春期的詩》
- 阿信/如煙《後青春期的詩》
- 嚴云農/國境之南《海角七號電影原聲帶》
- 周杰倫/稻香《魔杰座》

Mayday have been nominated for Best Band, Best Song and Ashin has been nominated (twice!!) in the Best Lyricist category. The last time Mayday won the GMA Award for Best Band was back in 2004 so I'm hoping to see them pick up Best Band again this year and sweep all the categories they've been nominated for :)

As for Leehom, he has been nominated for Best Arranger and Best Mandarin Male Singer. President Chou has received multiple nominations for this year's GMA - I lost count but it look as though he had been nominated for every major category!

1 comment:

mushroomhead said...

i hope they hv better results this year. im kinda of dissapointed with last year result. hehe....